
Save Me

Come with me if you want to live. Yeah, when someone says that, you do tend to take them seriously.

After her abusive ex Victor drives himself into a tree, Grace is scarred off men for life. Two years later, she rescues an orange tabby kitten and suddenly, a tall, blond and handsome man—the complete opposite of her ex—becomes a hovering presence.

When the monitors at the Agency of Guardian Angels start recording Grace’s uneventful life, the Watchers know it’s a warning. To save the girl from an impending bullet, Gabriel jumps to the rescue - in cat form.

Will Gabriel be able to find out the identity of the elusive assassin before there is an “again”? Can Grace get over her past to trust a guy who, strangely, is not angling for a date? And why does the existence of that particular orphaned girl make the Tally of Good & Evil go crazy?

Save Me is the main book in the Agency of Guardian Angels series and happens thirteen years before Charm & Mayhem and/or Cinders. Although it features Grace who later becomes the stepmother in Cinders, it can be read as a standalone from both of the author’s other series. The series provides a glimpse into the saves Gabriel undertook for the Agency before he retired and had anything to atone for in Charm & Mayhem.

OUT: Nov 21, 2024

How Gabriel (from Charm) met Grace (from Cinders)

That was way before Marina, when our cool-as-cucumber guardian angel wasn't swayed by damsels. Much.

Action-adventure with a dash of feels

What if there was an anonymous assassin after a damsel who the Tally of Good and Evil somehow thinks is important for Earth and its magic? You'd jump in to save her, of course.

Guardian Angels

Meet Gabriel, the right-hand man of the Boss of the Agency of Guardian Angels who finally meets his match in Grace, a waitress in a City of London coffee shop. Would you rather be a damsel to be saved or a damsel who can save herself?


Friendship is a good basis for love...or infatuation. Well, what do you expect from a 900-year-old guardian angel? Slow thawing.