I'm a plantzer. I plan and then I pantz it up.
Sometimes, I have a story in my mind (or I literally dream of some scenario) and then it feels like cheating, taking down all the dialogues and attempting a first go at description of what I saw in my mind's eye. Other times, it's like pulling teeth - I make an outline, check the chapters are of equal size, write one scene, then the next.
No two books are alike. But the best books are those where I combine the planning and the pantzing, tbh.
It also helps to keep in mind that if you aim to write 1k words per day, then in 20 days you should have 20k words and in 1,5 months aka 50 days you can have 50k words, i.e. a whole first draft of 1 book. That's how I wrote Charm & Mayhem: The Goddess of Fate; and how I'm currently writing Life&Death: The Goddess of Light.
Waiting for a bus and have an idea? Put it into Notes on your phone.
You have a 5 minutes break at work? Plot a dialogue and write it down. In shorthand, if you must.
On the road? If you're not swimming or driving (hopefully not and AND here) aka if you're flying, taking a train, bus, submarine or a trip to the moon - have a paper or laptop or mobile notes ready and write, write, write.
I write from 6-9PM on Tuesdays. Mostly. If I don't write, I do something writing related, like build my website. But there needs to be a time I squirrel away from my family and 101 other things when I sit my ass into a chair, behind a laptop and go for it.
Having said that, you also need to know your best writing times - time during the day you're at your most creative or pensive or alone - use the emotion, use the energy, write what comes when it comes. Oh, you have a job? See point above about writing anywhere, anytime.
We all love to "do research" or check our feed etc etc, BUT when you're writing, you're writing. One thing at a time. If you feel like taking a break, go ahead. And then sit your ass back down into that chair (or go for a walk) and get back to that scene. We want to read your book!
Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.