Tales of the Shoes

The second instalment of Tales from the Magic Kingdom: 5 short standalone spinoff stories related to magic shoes Cinderella wore to the ball which her younger sister Ellie snagged from the Wicked Witch of the West – to complement The Magic Mirrors Saga.


What’s the price of magic?

Magical teleporting, to be precise.

Cinderella’s magic shoes. Could they be the same ones that the Wizard of Oz squirrelled away? Assuming they can change form. Who made them? From what?

And the most important question: why does everyone always assume magic shoes operate for free?

If you had to pay the shoes for transporting you, would you rather give up a few life years or pay in blood?
And what – or who – do the mirrors and magic shoes have in common?

Tales of the Shoes is a sister set to Tales of the Mirrors and contains 5 short stories:

  1. To Shape a Shoe – the genesis story of the shoes AND the magic mirrors;
  2. To Find a Way – about the Wizard of Oz discovering the shoes;
  3. To Steal a Pair – a Cinderella sequel about Ella’s Godmother’s thievery;
  4. To Get Revenge – about magic shoes on loan to other characters (previously in the Once Upon a Name anthology);
  5. To Break a Bond – about the fate of magic shoes after they’ve gotten rather used to carnage.

These short stories link to the author’s other works, but are related standalones that can be read separately as small soundbites.

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