Book #1 Charm & Mayhem: The Goddess of Fate – is just out – January 19 and Life & Death: The Goddess of Light is in paperback stage (e-book comes out February 8). I was struggling a bit with Love & Money — not, not in real life – but book #3 in the Goddesses Series until I printed all the snippets out and started putting them together. Seems I do have another book on my hands and it’ll probably come out in July as my dev.editor is reaaaaallly busy. Hans – yes, yes, the twin brother to Greta from Cinders, that’s the one — decided in Life&Death that he fancies Dita (short for Aphrodita whom you might remember from Goddesses: The Bet) and now they have a book of their own. I’m trying to recapture some of the hilarity from Charm, so Dita will be anti-relationship and Hans will be 100% sure she wants him.

/…/ ‘Can’t stand the sight of blood, huh? Even fake blood?’ Dita asked, looking at the man Hans was now arranging in Savasana, the corpse pose.
‘It’s not fake blood. Are you going to help or what?’ Hans asked and looked straight at her.
‘Not fake? Wait? He really is hurt?’ Dita gasped. ‘What happened?’
‘If we won’t start his heart, he’s going to die, that’s what’s going to happen. Pump or breathe?’
‘Breathe,’ Dita said, kneeling. There go her pristine white jeans.
Hans started pumping his colleague’s chest, but on the wrong side.
‘The heart is on the other side, you idiot,’ Dita sneered. ‘Left. You need to pump left. Let me…’ /…/
Liked it? 🙂 Snippet from Love&Money. Just sayin.
Stay tuned or sign up to my newsletter coz that’s where I do all my sneak peeks at covers (hint-hint, clue-clue) and hand out occasional freebies or tell you about super discounted or just super books – mine and other authors’.
As for other WIPs, I’m happy to report that:
- To Find a Queen for Twice Upon a Name (out April 2023) was submitted to the set managers on time and I’ve read all the other stories and they are AMAZING!;
- To Steal A Kiss for Enchanted Flames (out June 2023) is still with betas;
- To Catch A Thief for Three Time’s the Name (out summer 2024) is also a first draft;
- Book #4 in the Goddesses Saga – Fire & Ice – I’ll get back to it in the summer;
So… erm… you can see from the above why re-vamping Someone To Watch Over Me has taken a bit of a backseat this fall. And winter. And probably also in spring. Heck, I think I’ll get around to it in the summer.
Soooo…. that’s me and my works in progress. Oh, and since Mellie makes an appearance in Life&Death and guess where she’ll be… then besides reading a ton of books on Nutckracker, I also got a few Wonderland books for Christmas. It’s research. I swear. Every damn day.
Stay tuned.